Andrew knows exactly what I'm talking about.

There was a time in my life when I couldn't stand the Chemical Brothers.
It was in my early years at W+K, particularly when the band was "hot" and their songs (or Moby or Fatboy Slim) were included on every rip we did.
This made me instantly despise them.
Therefore, it's been with some surprise that over the years, I have actually found myself digging some of their music.
Recently, their new album, Further, came across my desk and it's been sneaking into my shuffle mode (when I go that route) and I'm liking what I'm hearing.
Either I'm getting softer in my old age, or losing my edge, or finally putting away some of my elitism, or they're actually writing good material, or a combo of all of this.
Have a listen:

P.S. I'm not losing my edge.