Wherever I've Been And Gone.

Headless Hereos' awesome cover of Jackson C. Frank:

Reminds me of living back in Portland in the late 90's/early 2000's - being a boho;
smoking, drinking, writing, painting, making meals with friends,
listening to tons of Nick Drake, Jackson C. Frank, Leonard Cohen, Marianne Faithful, Nick Cave, Brigitte Fontaine
and talking about life.
Life, man.
Look at me getting all sentimental for ennui.

Be Still, Take Us Back.

Just received the promo copy of Alela Diane's upcoming album for Rough Trade called "To Be Still".
Absolutely kills me.

I first saw Alela Diane in Portland when she and I both still lived in that city and her first album was just coming out on the Holocene label:
The last time I saw her was at SXSW 2008.
She's just as amazing live as she is in her recordings.
You can pre-order this now at:
Pretty sure this'll be in the running for Top Albums of 2009.