Weekends are never fun unless you're around here too.

So now that I'm in Chicago, I'm super interested in discovering what's happening here in the music scene these days.
One of the first bands I've come across is the Smith Westerns who've just released their newest album Dye It Blonde on Fat Possum Records.
Liking what I'm hearing so far from the youngsters in this town.

Have a great weekend everyone.
Go Packers!!!


Tonight, we're going to find our lover.

CMJ happened, then a Bachelor party in Milwaukee that culminated in attending the Vikings - Packers game at Lambeau,
and somewhere in there I managed to sneak in speaking at the Boards Summit
as well as attending a dinner party at Philip Glass' house in which he played a piece on his piano in his parlor
that he specifically composed for the night.

So basically I've been insanely busy and that's why I haven't posted for a bit.
That said, I just want to share a little diddy from Devendra Banhart from his new album that I'm digging.

Also, what the heck is going on in the midwest?
Subliminal animal porn in bathroom decorations?

